- Ninny Noodle Noo
- Myriad
- E Kernel
- Wooden Choice
- Fine Wooden Toys
- Spiel und Holz
- Ostheimer
- Haba
- Toy Choice
- Toy Spectrum - Spiel und Holz suppliers
- HolzToys
Articles and Sites
- YouTube Waldorf Videos
- Wonder Ranch
- Waldorf Homeschoolers
- Waldorf Resources
- Waldorf Links
- Waldorf Links 2
- Christopherus Homeschool Resources
- Waldorf Family Network
- MillennialChild - has cirriculum
- Freedom in Education - excellent
- Therapeutic Homeschooling - Waldorf with bipolar kids
- Waldorf in the Home
- Circle Time
- Daily Rhythms
- Raphael House School
- MillenialChild
Form Drawing Links
Other Online Learning Resources
- Ambleside Online
- Montessori Materials
- StudyDog
- Mathematics Programme
- "Bricks and Mortar":Basic Reading Skills
- TangleWood
- Primary Latin
- BeforeYouKnowIt - free language software inc. Latin & Arabic
- Progressive Phonics
- BrainPop
- Reading Z com
- Bigbrainz - multiplication help game
- Free Video Lectures
- Literacy Website Links
- Reading Z com
"Fairy" Tales
- Aesop Fables
- Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales and Stories
- Tales Collected by the Brothers Grimm
- Grimm site
- Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers
- National Geographic Grimm Brothers
- 209 Grimm Brothers Tales
- Arabian Nights
- Arabian Nights
- Sufi Texts - scroll down
- Legends and Sagas
- Legend of King Arthur
- Tales of the Round Table
- The Tales of King Arthur
Brain Dump
Nature & Nature Journalling

- In Heywoods Meadow
- Imagine Childhood
- The Boy's Almanac
- Bug Guide (N.America)
- Bug ID (UK)
- BugLife
- OspreyWatch - Lake District UK
- BBC SpringWatch
- BBC AutumnWatch
- Nature Books
- Project Feeder Watch
- Take Children Outside
- MudPud dump
- Bodiam Castle
- Bodiam Castle
- Find-A-Castle
- Norman Castles up to 1315
- Channel 4
- Channel 4
- Castle Rising
- Windsor Castle
- Windsor Castle 2
Kings & Queens
Animals & Wildlife
- National Geographic
- Sea Monsters
- Planet Earth Clips
- Planet Earth Explorer
- SpringWatch
- Autumn Watch
- Woodland Trust NATURE detectives
- Woodland Trust NATURE detectives AUTUMN WATCH
- Woodland Trust
- Bird Watch 21 Jan - o1 Feb 2008
- Crafts & Activities
- Garden Bird Song
- What to feed birds
- UK bird identifier
- Bird feeder Webcams
- UK birds by name
- BTO - science and birdwatching
- Garden Birds
- Cornell Ornithology Lab
- British bird song
- The Bird Year
- Migration month by month
- BBC Birds
- Bird migration
- Migration - for Kids
- What Tree is it?
- Tree ID
- Fieldguides - leaves
- Tree Rings
- Trees are Terrific
- Virtual Forest
- Tree World
- Trees 4 Kids
- Movie: why trees change colour
- Design a tree game
- Virtual Forest Walk
- Cyberforest Game - control your forest
- Tree movies
- How to make recycled paper - save trees!
- Discovering Antarctica
- Antarctica Wiki
- Enchanted Learning - Antarctica
- Wild Kids Antarctica
- Kids books links
- Classroom Antarctica - teaching resources
Islamic Perspective
- 1001 inventions
- American Civil War
- Ancient Egypt
- Archaeology
- Battle Of Britain
- BBC History
- Cave Art
- Colouring Castles
- gods in history
- Great Buildings
- History For Kids
- History Link
- History On the Net
- History Time Trail
- Hyper History
- Iroquois
- Kufu's Pyramid
- Maps
- Met Museum
- National Archives
- Norman Conquest
- Romans
- Schools History
- Shakespeare's Globe
- Stone Sites
- The British Museum
- Tudors
- Viking Britain
- Vikings
- Vikings and more
- W.W.2 Real Life Stories
- World History
- 1001 inventions
- Brain Pop
- British Science Association
- Chemistry Resources
- English Heritage
- Environmental Studies
- Free Downloads and Posters
- How Stuff Works
- Interactive Chemistry
- Nature Detectives
- R.S.P.B
- Recycling Glass
- Science Buddies
- Science Made Simple
- Science Toymaker
- Sea Life
- Snow Crystals
- Super Science
- The Seed Site
- ThankTank
- Primary Engineer
- Glasgow Science Centre
- MoSI
Very Fast Things
- Thrust SSC land speed record video
- Bloodhound SSC Site - follow the adventure
- Future Fighters - Discovery Chanel video
- Ultimate Strike Planes 1 F15 Eagle - Discovery
- Ultimate Strike Planes 2 Harrier Jump Jet - Discovery
- Ultimate Strike Planes 3 JSF-35 Joint Strike Fighter - Discovery
- Ultimate Strike Planes 4 F16 Fighting Falcon - Discovery
- Ultimate Strike Planes 5 F117 Night Hawk - Discovery
- Ultimate Strike Planes 6 F22 Raptor - Discovery
- Ultimate Strike Planes 7 Eurofighter Typhoon - Discovery
- The Ultimate Fighter 1: how the jet engine evolved - Discovery
- The Ultimate Fighter 2: how the jet engine evolved - Discovery
- The Ultimate Fighter 3: how the jet engine evolved - Discovery
- Simple Science : Sonic Booms
- AH-64D Apache Helicopter Video - Discovery
- Army Technology - Apache
- How Stuff Works - Apache
- DUXFORD aviation museum
- Bloodhound Landspeed record attempt - BBC
- Engineer Shows Bloodhound model - BBC
- Wing Commander Andy Green talks about Bloodhound - BBC
- About Geography
- Alaska
- Antarctica
- Argentina
- Desert/rainforest
- Global Eye
- Hurricanes
- Maps That Teach
- Met Office Weather
- National Geographic
- Think Quest
- Khan Academy
- Cool Math
- Dr Maths
- Joe The Dragon
- Math Sphere
- Maths Playground
- Penrose Tiles
- Rainforest Maths
- Teaching Money
HE resources
- ABC Teach
- Activity Village
- Cannon Paper Craft
- Children's Library
- Classical Education
- Classical History and Science Resources
- Crayola
- Donna Young
- Ed Helper
- Eduplace
- Enchanted learning
- Factmonster
- Free Software
- Funology
- Happy Child
- Islamic Resources
- Kidport Reference Library
- Learning Pages
- Learning Through History
- Owl Mouse
- Primary Resources
- Scholastic
- Schools Express
Science Kit Suppliers
- Curious Minds
- Insectlore
- Maplin's
- Paradigm Shift
- Rapid Online
- Science Museum
- The Young Scientist's Club
- Tickseed
- World Wide Butterflies
Romans and Gladiators
Animal Kingdom
- Horrible Histories
- Muddle Puddle Yahoo Group
- Education Otherwise
- Free Range Eucation
- Sue Fairhead's Site
- Henry VIII
- Images
- Images 2
- Images 3
- Links
- Ideas
- Tudor History
- Tudor History 2
- Tudor History 3
- Tudor History 4
- Burghley House
- Burghley House teachers pack
- Burghley House sculpture garden pack
- Peterborough Cathedral
- Brain Pop Eclipse
- Brain Pop International Space Station
- Brain Pop Mars
- Sun links
- Nine
- Planet images
- Kids Astronomy
- Amazing Space
- NASA kids
- Space videos
Reduce Reuse Recycle
- Think Cans Think Recycling
- The Green Team
The Planet - goto 'overview' for videos- Where Does Rubbish Go?
- Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish
Why Should I Recycle?
Look After Your Planet (Charlie and Lola)
Paper Making Kit
Home Education Resources ABOUT teaching methods
- Charlotte Mason
- The Well-Trained Mind
- Tanglewood Education
- Kinza Academy
- Muddle Puddle Early Years
- Montessori Lesson ideas
- Montessori Teacher Collective
- Montessori Centre International
- John Taylor Gatto page
- Education Heretics Press
- Education links
- Unschooling.Com
- Education Otherwise - needs no introduction - know what your rights are and get support
ArticlesWhy to Home School
- Out of school
- Study highlights benefits of home learning
- More parents teach their children at home
- Frequently Asked Questions about Home Schooling
- Confederacy of dunces - the tyranny of compulsory schooling
- Nine assumptions of schooling - and Twenty-one Facts the Institution Would Rather Not Discuss
- How public education cripples our kids
- The pyschopathic school
- How to get an education at home
- Hamza Yusuf - TV, Truth, and Technomania
- Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
- Hamza Yusuf interview
- Artastik
- Baker Ross - art, educational
- Bright Minds
- Homecrafts
- Early Learning Centre
- Montessori Products - silly prices but gives you good ideas
- Jolly Phonics site - order info
- Montessori Online Books and products
Kids CornerGames & resources
- ArtPad
- Incredibots
- Thomas the Tank Engine
- Fisher-Price Online Games for Babies and Toddlers
- 'Spot the Dog' games and online Books
- Bob the Builder
- Crayola
- Children's BBC - activities and games
- Zoo Online
- Toddler Activities
- Crafts U Love
- Amazon
- Mail Order Express
- Homecrafts
- Ebay
- Bakerross crafts
- Myriad - Felt, fleece, doll making
- Bead Shop
- Art Discount
- Economy Of Brighton - huge range of paper products
- Lakeland
- Science Museum Shop
- Insectlore
- Hawkin's Bazaar
- Learning Resources
- Brightminds
- World of Butterflies
- The Book People
- Cakes,Cookies and Crafts
- Yankee Candles
- Candles
- Candle Making Equipment
- Bright Sparks - Klutz Kits in the U.K
- Viking Direct
- Craft Creations
- Schofield and Sims - posters e.t.c
- Scrapbook -free papers
- Jammy Joes
- Opitec
- Tridias
- Lekkerthreads
- Farscape Games
- Jigsaws
- Curious Minds
- Hope Education ( rather odd layout now)
- Maplin - cheap robots
- Linguatots
- Scottish Fibres
- Young Scientist Club
Ed Links
- History Resources
- Lapbooking
- Snow stuff
- Scrapbooking learning
- Mom's Corner
- Free software
- Schools Express
- Archaeology Links
- School History
- Learning Pages
- Activity Village
- Edhelper
- ABC Teach
- Enchanted Learning
- Brain Pop
- Primary Resources
- Weather printables
- Montessori - Free printables
- Teaching Money
- Colouring Castle
- Kidz Page
- Pre-School Learners
- The Seed Site
- dltk-kids
- Free Printables
- How Stuff Works
- Starfall Reading
- Phonics downloads
- Wee Folk
- Recycling Glass
- Global Eye
- Cool Maths
- Environmental links
- English Heritage
- BA Science - free downloads
- Bricks and Mortar, plus loads of other stuff
Distance Colleges Online
- Stonebridge
- Natural Sciences
- Home Study
- Regent Academy
- London School of Journalism
- Oxford College
- ACS Distance Education
- National Extension College
Arabic & Islam resources
- Islamic School Net - Excellent
- Bi-Lingual Books!! Excellent publishers!
- Bi-lingual/dual-language publishers of childrens books
- Noor Art - Islamic stuff plus EXCELLENT Arabic and Home Education resources!!
- An animated version of the Arabic alphabet shows the correct way to move the pen
- Arabic Language Resources
- Arabic Language Resources - beautiful and useful site
- Arabic Numbers
- Geometry and Islam
- Learn Arabic Alphabet
- Two nice new games from the Bilal Philips Eeman Reading Series
- Interactive Arabic alphabet
- Muslim Home Schooling
- Islamic Natural Parenting Net
- Islamic Homeschooling