Some of you have been following me around my various blog incarnations for years. Seriously, it has been years. When I first started blogging I had no idea what I was doing and the very first two blogs were deleted completely. Then there was a family blog, and thereafter a homeschool blog both of which I've kept, but made private - just for my own memories. I think there is too much personal information in them which I no longer feel comfortable sharing given that a) blogging has changed, and b) audiences are bigger and no longer just friends and family.
My creative blogs have undergone a few incarnations until I landed here and quite happily set about making myself my online home, and it feels like just that - a place I find I can relax in in the online world; facebook, twitter, instagram are all great places to connect, but they're not the same as a blog and I don't suppose they ever will be. I have no idea whether blogging is dead or dying or will ever stay the course, but for now it works for me.
But it felt disjointed having old blogs all over the place, and it just felt right to move on and try something new. So I did this - I collected everything into one home and have moved house, hopefully for good (time will tell).
So pop on over to my new space - update your bookmarks etc and come and say hi: