Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The 'Goldilocks' Blanket

This past weekend I ran up a blanket for our sitting room. Yes. Another one.




What do you mean 'there's no room for another'? Sure there is ... see that teeny gap at the top? Plenty big enough.




In many ways this is the perfect blanket. It is true we have plenty to choose from, but not for no reason did I call this the 'Goldilocks' blanket. Some of our blankets are too big, some are too small. Some blankets are too heavy, and some are too light. Some are too lumpy and some, well some I just plain do not like. This one is juuuuust right; big enough, warm enough, light enough, and in my opinion, pretty enough for our sitting room.


{The blanket, folded in half}






It was a simple enough blanket to make, being just a blanket, not a quilt, with therefore no batting to battle with and no bias to sew. After the cutting it was a couple of hours of work beginning to end. An easy sew.

The result is a blanket that fits right at home with this room it was purposely made for, and the pattern and tutorial is one that will be in the winter edition of Seasonal Living & Learning. Until then, I'm sure you're going to be seeing a lot more of this blanket around this blog in the future months.

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  1. Love the colours - it is beautiful. Lisa L.

  2. Wonderful collection of fabric patterns and colors. Yellow and grey and black and white are a color combo I am really feelin' lately. Hey...I have that heater in white...and I have a white rug kinda like yours as well. I guess great minds think alike.. ; )
    xo dd

  3. Oh you and I are definitely on the same wavelenght aren't we? Must be a Deb thing ;-)

    Yes the heater is in lieu of the real Jotul I would get in a red hot minute if this were our house and not rent controlled...

  4. Ummm....I have a Jotul! Our neighbor in Mackay (where we have a summer house) had a yard sale and was selling hers. It is set up in our guest house. ; ) I had never heard of them before.
    ; )

  5. Sorry Deb, we also had a Jotul when I was a kid. My dad did fencing, so we got all the wood free. Occasionally, during the winter (and in the days before anyone had heard of carbon footprints), he would have a competition, just him and the thermometer, and he would see if he could get our sitting room up to 100 degrees. Jam the wood in, squeeze the doors shut, and he'd do it. 104 we had it in there one night, mum had to open the front and back doors and all the windows, and hope he wouldn't catch the chimney alight. Those were the days.


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