Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Remnants of a day...


Some days I get to the end of it and wonder what we've actually achieved. I stress that we're not doing 'enough'. I'm sure all parents have this re-occuring nightmare that our actions, or lack thereof, are going to damage our children for LIFE.

So, to keep it real, a few snapshots, a reality check, and a checklist of gratitude...


We sat and concentrated on learning to read and write and do maths. I must remember to be superhuman and make room for never ending art in the afternoon. Usually by lunch I'm toasted... :: I am grateful for the space to learn together, as messy as it is.


I kept sane by rumaging through my yarn stash and pattern file. Playing with yarn is like stroking a cat.... it soothes my shattered nerves... :: I am so grateful for my yarn and the ability to knit.


My children kept up with their never ending obsession with Hero Factory and made my ears bleed by their none-stop none-stop talking about endless variations of each model they have, the stories behind them and their utter love and devotion for them. This is where the knitting comes in useful - it can zone me out so their litany of praise for plastic seems like a pleasant drone in the background. Or if that doesn't work I can ram the needles in my eyes to end the pain... :: I am grateful for... lego? Well, it keeps them quiet while I have a cup of joe.


The midget demanded games. Until I begged for mercy :: I am grateful for his love of gaming.


I went to sit at my sewing machine. This shot is the acceptable face of my work space. To give you some idea of the unacceptable face - the sewing machine sits under a mountain of fabric, files and pads of paper and I can no longer reach the cabinet or printer. I went and did more knitting :: grateful for this (very very small) space of mine (all mine!).


And when the knitting ran dry, embroidery. I like this sashiko pattern. A lot. I hope I will finish this project - a present - before the recipient of my love DIES :: I am grateful for the people in my life who inspire me in so many ways.

There is beauty in there somewhere.

*** *** ***


  1. Your sense of humor always makes me chuckle. Please don't stab your eyes out! ; ) My children are adults, and occasionally they bring up a faux pas that I did as a parent (in a joking/loving manner of course). I make no explanations. I just tell them I will pay for the therapy to make it right.
    Your kiddos will be grateful for you and all of your hard work some day. ; )

  2. Well they're male so there's a good chance they won't....

  3. Asalaamu alaikum sis,

    I love your embroidery, ive just completed some which i have sent off to a blogging friend so i cant post about it until she receives it all the way in Long Beach USA! Oh how i love this blogging world.
    Which crayons do you use? We have loads from the bookstart packs which our library have given to us but i want some chemical free ones and thought you may no where to look?
    Aqeela xx

  4. The stockmar crayons were from a shop of my own that I ran a few years back selling such things, but Myriad Online sell them too. Or if you want to go straight to Mercurius International and set up an account that would work out cheaper if you got a bunch of buddies together to split shipping costs. The soy ones are from Stubby Pencil Studio in America and I won those! althought to be honest I prefer the beeswax stockmar.

  5. Such a lovely post!! The image of you poking your eyes out with your knitting needles is quite graphic..I feel your pain though. At work, I often want to just fall face first onto my pen!!!!! Your embroidery is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for the smiles this morning:)


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