Monday, 24 September 2012

Genius comes in many guises...



Finally, a workable solution to my fabric scraps! Boxes and baskets were just getting in the way, and it was impossible to find anything anyway. But this transparent, over-the-door shoe-organiser is just the ticket.

I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.

Oh yeah - Pinterest hadn't been invented....


  1. Good idea and yeah why didn't we both think of that before. I ended up giving my fabric scraps away as I couldn't bare to see them any more.

  2. Noooooo you must never give scraps away. They are too precious. Even the very smallest I put in a box for the kids to glue with

  3. oohh nice likes it.

  4. lol I have issues sis! I see things not in a proper place and if they have no place I get rid of!!! I will try to save next time for kids craft time! he he he

  5. I'm a bit that way too. Can keep things for aeon and then when I decide to chuck it out I suddenly discover something I could do with it...

  6. Asalamu alaikum..

    Interesting, Hajj tamattu' latest bloglet come have a look.

    Take Care

  7. Asalaamu alaikum, i love this idea - i save all of my scraps in glass jars, i just love being able to see them all without even having to open a box or tin. And your right, boxes and tins look pretty but im forever forgetting whats inside of them all!
    Aqeela xx

  8. Assalamu alaikum I don't have any room for more boxes, tubs or jars. I have a lot of empty vertical space in the house though... I'm not a fan of plastic organisers but I will make an exception here ;)

  9. And, here, I thought you'd figured out the genius way to store and see headscarves! But, still wonderful!

  10. Cricket, I don't have THAT many headscarves! ;)


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