Monday, 3 March 2014

How We Rocked the Launch of TEND

My babes are my biggest fans, my cheer leading squad, my rock. They are the ones who cheered me on and took an interest in this magazine long before anybody else; they take an interest now and delight every time anyone says anything nice about it. They hope for the best with it, they ask about it, they understand when mama's got to work on it. In fact, they've been absolute rock stars about the whole deal. And in the last few frantic weeks when they've hardly seen me, they've understood and never complained.

So how else to celebrate the launch of the magazine, than by unplugging and getting out of Dodge and giving myself to my children in the very place we love the most - the forest. And that's just what we did.

my so called life

my so called life

The car door opened and I didn't really see them for a few hours as they bounced from one corner and hidey hole to the next; old haunts revisited - yes! the bivouac is still standing - let's add a little bit more! New things were found, treasures brought back before bounding off to the horizon again ("this twig would look good in 'Tend', mummy").

my so called life

my so called life

my so called life

It was just what we needed, it was just what we always need and what we look forward to the most - space to roam, fresh air and sunshine, things to investigate and treasures to find. And for me, those trees always manage to weave some magic of their own. The further off track we went, the more content I felt.

We need these spaces and these moments more than anything else. When the human-made noises and worries are left far behind it is then that we find a way back to ourselves, we hear those small, quiet voices often drowned out by worries and demands, we find our centre and manage to anchor ourselves again in a world that pulls us this way and that. It worries me that as we rush headlong into a world ever more virtual and sedentary that those small voices will be lost forever and we will forget what it means to be human at all. I hope, if nothing else, my children will always remember these moments and have the sense to forge similar for themselves when they are older.

my so called life

my so called life

my so called life

my so called life

my so called life

And I hope that you too find a place in nature that calls to that quiet within and show your babes how to find it too. I've found nothing else that comes close to replacing it.

{P.S. please do visit Heather today at Beauty That Moves for a chance to win a copy of the magazine!}


  1. What a perfect way to celebrate a very awesome thing! Would like to buy a copy taking advantage of the discount but can't work out where to enter the code, Paypal told me it wasn't recognised? Sorry if I'm being dim!

  2. Hi Sarah, I think there are several pages of entering data to go through, and on the final page before you hit pay there is the code area on our site - you have to apply it there.


    1. Thank you, yes I needed to go back to the site after PayPal. All sorted now and am enjoying my first browse, it looks really good :)

  3. Brilliant! I have no idea why they left the code page till last - very odd, but glad you persevered! Hope you enjoy it!


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