Thursday 30 June 2011

Back on the Farm


It's strawberry-pickin' season here. Actually, it's strawberry, gooseberry, raspberry, and tayberry pickin' season; a season that doesn't end until the last pumpkin is picked and the last corn cooked.


There is no sweeter food than that which you have picked yourself and eaten fresh, and I swear freshly picked strawberries make the best jam.

One day I dream of having a PYO farm of my own - wouldn't THAT be amazing? Hmm... but until that day we are very happy to visit our local farmer every summer to pick the best of their crop. In fact, here is another (older) post to confirm just how much picking our own is firmly part of our summer!

Hope you find some beautiful farms to hang out in too!

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  1. Those strawberries look luscious! I think I'm going to have to get out to a pick your own farm around here very soon,

  2. Oh it's part of the fun of summer! It's the only thing that keeps us sane in winter - the thought of summers on the farm


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