Thursday, 17 November 2011

A Happy Little Trio


I'm getting a bit slap happy with the Mod Podge and glue gun around these parts. Lace, ribbon, fabric - it's been liberally applied to everything that sits still long enough for the glue to dry. Have a pulse? No? Then you shall be doilified and fabricised. (Those are words. Now.)

I can see you are impressed. They're votives, in case you are wondering. Duh, like lanterns for putting candles in. Or something like that. Does it matter? They're pretty. Case closed.

I will be attempting to cover my husband in Liberty prints and doilies as he sits trying to mind his own business. Watch this space....

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  1. MashaAllah, these look great...I'm really getting into candles lately [hoping to make some savings on my ever increasing electric bill LOL] and will have to have a go at this. Thanks for sharing your wonderful skills mashaAllah xXx

  2. They do look lovely with the candles lit inside

  3. Hmmmm....been waiting for the pic of your hubby splashed in modge podge. ; )

  4. It would be such a waste on him though... ;-)


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