Tuesday, 29 November 2011

I Wonder Why...



Have you ever been asked a question by a child at an inopportune time? Maybe dinner is about to land on the table, or you're just out of the door, or maybe with the best will in the world you just don't know the answer... I get a lot of questions about many things that pop into the heads of my babes throughout the day - which is the biggest lake in the world? which is the biggest land predator? how is rubber made? where is the solar system going... there is no method to it - just whatever pops into their head or has been triggered off by something we are learning at the time.

Amanda Soule has this 'I Wonder Why' board tutorial in her latest book 'The Rhythm of the Family' and after months of writing questions down on scraps of paper (and losing them) I thought it was about time that we had one as well.


And as you would imagine it was an easy make - I used an old pin board, some batting/wadding and a lovely cotton print stapled directly on the frame, then criss-crossed bias over the board and stapled that in place too to create the spaces for the boys' written questions. And when the time is right, we get the board and find the right books or even ask Mr. Google and so with minimal effort everyone's questions are finally answered.

Ready for the next batch....


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  1. assalamualaikum

    grate ideas! i like the fabric .

  2. that is an AMAZING idea. we always get the "mama, one more thing...." and "but mama i just have to ask you a question." yes yes yes. i love this. and i love your boys' questions! can you answer them, or did you have to look them up? i'd be looking them up... :)


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